My most recent work.

This is Alex – My actual 'short presentation'.
Packaging, Advertising, Graphic Design
Dies ist Alex – Meine aktuelle "Kurzpräsentation".
Advertising, Graphic Design, Packaging
Cinematic promo spot for WEILBURGER Graphics
Animation, Storyboarding, Directing
Packaging, App Design, Branding
Matthias Holder – Full Service Brand Development
Branding, Web Design, Art Direction
CYVED – Start-Up Sponsorship
UI/UX, Web Design, Branding
Native App for TroFilms GmbH
Native App Development for iOS and Android
UI/UX, App Design, Programming
Folding Carton Packaging Design
Packaging, Photography, Branding
Native App Development for iOS and Android
UI/UX, App Design, CGI
Key Visual, Design Concept, Packaging Design and Video
Graphic Design, Packaging, 3D Art
Full-Service for WEILBURGER Graphics
Branding, Graphic Design, Packaging
Full-Service for TroFilms GmbH
Branding, Writing, Advertising
Coating calculator for desktop and mobile devices
UI/UX, App Design, Programming
Company short video for WEILBURGER Graphics
Company short video for WEILBURGER Graphics
Photography, Film
Whiteboard video and tutorial for sustainable packaging
Packaging, Product Photography, Film
360° Gigapixel Panorama for WEILBURGER Graphics
Photography, Visualization, Advertising Photography
Franconian Coolness Augmented Reality App
Native Augmented Reality App for WEILBURGER Graphics based on a packaging design for a carton based waterproof beverage cooler I made, Tutorials and a promotion video around this packaging.
AR/VR, CGI, Packaging
Better Human – Sustainable Premium Packaging
Branding, Industrial Design, Packaging
CGI – High Value Added Magazine Cover
High realistic Computer Graphics for real value added print jobs.
POS-Display for our Cereals Construction Kit made for PrintCity
Branding, Creative Direction, Packaging
MÜESLOVE | Cereals Construction Kit
Cereals Construction Kit made for PrintCity
Branding, Creative Direction, Packaging
3D Printed Architecture Models
For real estate companies I produce high detailed, handpainted and assembled scaled models using my 3D Printers.
Architecture, Painting
Real Life Samples Part 3 - Cosmetics
DANO NODA Cosmetics – Part 3 of our Real Life Samples Project.
Branding, Creative Direction, Packaging
VAPack - The Value Added Packaging Initiative
Value Added Packaging concept, design, production management, education.
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Packaging
Invitation Card for the 3. Packaging Inspiration Forum
Unusual two-parted invitation card for the 3rd Packaging Inspiration Forum of the PrintCity from 24. - 25. March 2015 in Hamburg.
Graphic Design, Packaging
Real Life Samples Project PrintCity - Stage 2
Second stage of the Real Life Sample Project of the PrintCity. Inline produced on a Gallus ICS 670 with only one single production run. Foil lamination on two different substrates, four gravure inks, one flexo ink, Iriodin coating, SENOSOFT® matt coating, hoz foil embossing, UV gloss coating, rotative embossing, debossing, cutting & greasing in one machine.
Creative Direction, Packaging
High decorated golf ball packaging for Canon Tokyo
Packaging design and production management for the worlds first high decorated and serialized Océ InfiniStream® golf ball packaging for the Canon Tokyo golf tornament Canon Open 2012. Produced with the brand new Océ InfiniStream® on standard GD2 with serialization, hot foil and blind embossing and a waterbased coating.
Creative Direction, Packaging
Covergestaltung und Designkonzept für Creativ Verpacken
Wie man das Ei neu erfindet Blickt man weit genug zurück in der Historie der Lebensmittelverpackung, wird man recht schnell die natürliche Urgroßmutter verpackter Nahrungsmittel ausfindig machen: das Ei! Auf den ersten Blick scheinbar perfekt – eine simple, minimalistische und doch brillante Designstudie der Evolution. Aus Sicht eines Verpackungsdesigners ist dieses wunderbare kleine Etwas jedoch weit entfernt von Perfektion. Höchst zerbrechlich, unmöglich stapelbar, schwierig zu öffnen, different in Gewicht und Größe und zudem nur kurzzeitig haltbar. Somit wurde es Zeit, das Ei neu zu erfinden! Die vorliegende Studie basiert auf einem zweiteiligen, als Formteil ausgelegten Verbundstoff. Basis ist ein abgerundeter Kubus. Über die Bodenöffnung wird dieser mit den essbaren Bestandteilen eines chemisch stabilisierten Eies befüllt. Verschlossen wird dieser luftdicht mit einer Bodenplatte, die eine mit Gas befüllte Folienblase trägt. Über diese werden Volumenunterschiede bei der Befüllung ausgeglichen und ungewollte Lufteinschlüsse im versiegelten Ei vermieden. Nach dem Abpackprozess ist dieses EGG PACK dann in gleicher Weise zu nutzen, wie ein herkömmliches Ei. Für den Kochvorgang wurde ein auf thermochromer Farbe basierter Indikator eingeplant, der die optimalen Garzustände im Sinne von roh, weich, wachsweich und hart abzubilden vermag. Der Öffnungsmechanismus beinhaltet zudem noch eine Vorrichtung, die bei gekochten Eiern den Eierkopf während des Öffnens abtrennen wird. Optimale Stapelbarkeit, hoher Handlingkomfort und lange Haltbarkeit – all dies wäre mit dem EGG PACK zukünftig möglich.
Creative Direction, Digital Art
Two toy biplanes for manroland sheetfed
For Drupa 2008 I have designed two high detailed toy biplane kits in two different formats (0B and 3B) and colours. Normally this job was only the development and design for the two airplanes but to bring it on a higher and more realistic level I've decided to design also a cover page for the packaging (as photo realistic 3D computer illustration) and to make the build up process easier for everyone to include also a an exploded view of the biplanes (also as 3D computer illustration). These jobs were produced in 4/0 colour with full coverage coating and inline rotative cutting tools on Roland 500 and Roland 700. The result was really breathtaking and therefore all samples were rapidly sold out at Drupa.
Art Direction, Toy Design
The Nasty Beast Campaign
One man and his Mac.
Branding, Creative Direction
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