Start-Up Sponsorship

For some years now, I have taken the liberty of offering a selected project (regardless of the field of activity) pro bono, in other words free of charge. I usually choose founders or start-ups who, in my opinion, deserve such support on the basis of their elan or their founding idea.

This year, I chose a former fellow student of my eldest son, who, together with four co-founders, is developing and already marketing his own ECMS system (Enterprise Content Management System).

In the process, a corporate design was created and, among other things, implemented in the form of a modern, fully animated multilingual company website. As special features, fully dynamic graph frameworks for the generation of animated statistics and diagrams in real time as well as REST interfaces for connection to the CYVED ECMS have already been incorporated into the website in addition to various visualisation features such as parallax effects and SVG animations.

The live website can be accessed here:

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